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Shivam Sood

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Hello! I am final year dual degree student at the Indian Institute of Technology where I'm pursuing an integrated M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently working with Prof. Guillaume Sartoretti at the Multi-Agent Robotic Motion (MARMot) Lab on modified teacher-student frameworks for sample efficient and robust legged locomotion policies. My research interests are in the broad field of control theory and its intersection with Reinforcement Learning. I want to expand the work on scalable control policies for robust robotic motions.

Previously, I've worked with Prof. Shishir N.Y. Kolathaya at the Stochastic Robotics Lab on quadrupedal locomotion using Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning Policies and with Prof. Debashish Chakravarty in the Autonomous Ground Vehicle Research group where I benchmarked and imporved upon various control algorithms for autonomous vehices including MPC, LQR, Pure Pursuit and Stanley. When I am not indulged in robotics I love to read and paint digitally making pieces inspired by some of my favourite artists including WLOP and Sam Yung.

Feel free to check out my CV and drop me an e-mail if you want to chat with me about anything robotics, art, or the amazing writing of Fredrik Backman!

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Sep '23

  Paper on decaying action priors for accelarated learning accepted at IROS 2024

Mar '23

  Honoured to receive the Alumni Cup for outstanding acheivements in Technology at IIT Kharagpur

Mar '23

  Started working under Prof. Guillaume Sartoretti as a research intern at Marmot Lab

Mar '23

  Selected for the prestigious IITKGPF Scholarship 2023

Feb '23

  Won gold in Inter IIT Technology 11.0's Drona Aviation Challenge and overall gold in Inter IIT 11.0

Jan '23

  Paper on Force control for Robust Quadruped Locomotion: A Linear Policy Approach accepted at ICRA 2023

Dec '23

  Representing IIT Kharagpur as the captain of the Inter IIT Technology 11.0's Drona Aviation Challenge

Jul '22

  Paper on multiple waypoint navigation as the first author accepted at ICCR 2022

May '22

  Started working under Prof. Shishir N. Y. Kolathaya as a resarch intern in Stochastic Robotics Lab at IISc Bangalore

Mar '22

  Won the gold medal in Inter IIT Tech Meet 2022 in DRDO UAV based UGV navigation challenge

Nov '21

  Started working as a Robotics Software Development intern at Vecros

Sep '21

  Won the 1st place at the IROS-RSJ Navigation and Manipulation Challenge 2021

Mar '20

  Joined Autonomous Ground Vehicle Research Group as a Mechatronics Team Member

July '19

  Started my undergraduate journey at IIT Kharagpur

Researcher | National University of Singapore
Mar '23 - Present

Working under the supervision of Prof. Guillaume Sartoretti. We are working on end-to-end compliant torque-based RL policies using modified teacher-student frameworks.

Researcher | IISc Bangalore
May '22 - Dec '22

Worked under the supervision of Prof. Shishir N. Y. Kolathaya in Stochastic Robotics Lab. We are working on legged locomotion using classical as well as reinforcement learning based controllers.

Researcher | IIT Kharagpur
Mar '20 - Present

Working under the supervision of Prof. Debashish Chakravarty in the Autonomous Vehicle Research Group. We are a student research group working on safe and robust autonomous driving as well as taking part in various Robotics competetion all over the world including IROS, URC and IGVC.

Robotics Intern | Vecros Technologies Private Limited
Nov '21 - Jan '22

Worked as a software developer at Vecros. We worked in industry standard Drones for factory safety inspection.

DecAP : Decaying Action Priors for Accelerated Learning of Torque-Based Legged

Accepted at IROS 2024 [paper][video]

Optimal Control for legged robots has gone through a paradigm shift from position-based to torque-based control, owing to the latter’s compliant and robust nature. In parallel to this shift, the community has also turned to Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) as a promising approach to directly learn locomotion policies for complex real-life tasks. However, most end-to-end DRL approaches still operate in position space, mainly because learning in torque space is often sample-inefficient and does not consistently converge to natural gaits. To address these challenges, we introduce Decaying Action Priors (DecAP), a novel three-stage framework to learn and deploy torque policies for legged locomotion.

Force control for Robust Quadruped Locomotion: A Linear Policy Approach

Accepted at ICRA 2023 [paper][website]

This work presents a simple linear policy for direct force control for quadrupedal robot locomotion. The motivation is that force control is essential for highly dynamic and agile motions. Unlike the majority of the existing works that use complex nonlinear function approximators to represent the RL policy or model predictive control (MPC) methods with many optimization variables in the order of hundred, our controller uses a simple linear function approximator to represent policy.

Multiple Waypoint Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environments

Accepted at ICCR 2022 [paper][code]

We present a multiple waypoint path planner and controller stack for navigation in unknown indoor environments where waypoints include the goal along with the intermediary points that the robot must traverse before reaching the goal. Our approach makes use of a global planner (to find the next best waypoint at any instant), a local planner (to plan the path to a specific waypoint) and an adaptive Model Predictive Control strategy (for robust system control and faster maneuvers). We evaluate our algorithm on a set of randomly generated obstacle maps, intermediate waypoints and start-goal pairs, with results indicating significant reduction in computational costs, with high accuracies and robust control.

End-to-End Deep RL based joint control for a hexapod robot

MARMot Lab, NUS [website]

This project is concerned with training a Proximal Policy Optimization based parallel DRL control policy for control of a hexapod robot lovingly named Yuna (based on a game character with different eye colors since that’s what Yuna’s LEDs look like :p)

Representation-Free MPC control for quadruped locomotion

Stoch Lab, IISc Bangalore [website]

The gaol of the project was to develop a Representation Free Model Predictive Control for a in-house quadruped robot named Stoch3. This included solving for optimal Ground Reaction Forces based on a Single Rigid Body dynamics model while following gaits programmed using a finite state machine. The model used rotation matrices directly to get rid of the issues with euler angles (gimbal lock) and with quaternions(unwinding).

Optimal and Geometric controls for AGVs

AGV, IIT Kharagpur [LQR Code] [Geometric Controls]

This project was aimed at benchmarking various control algorithms for autononomous ground vehciles. This included algorithms like Model-Predictive-Control, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Pure Pursuit and Stanley.

DRDO UAV-Guided UGV Navigation Challenge

IIT Kharagpur and DRDO [Presentation]

This competetion was targeted at co-ordinating a UAV and an Unmanned Snow clearing vehicle for navigation in a hilly snow covered terrain and the UGV's autonomous traversal. We developed a Non-Linear Model Predictive Control based controller for the UGV and a path planning algorithm for the UAV. We won the gold medal in the competetion.

Pluto Drone Swarm Challenge

IIT Kharagpur and Drona Aviation

This goal of this challenge was to develop a vision based state feedback control for an indoor multi-drone system handling socket communication with the flight controller without the use of ROS. I led the team for this competetion and we won a gold.

Multiple and Single shooting MPC for mobile robots

MARMot Lab [code]

This code includes various implementation of a model predictive control including multiple and single shooting methods. It includes both implementations for point tracking as well as trajectory tracking for mobile robots.

This template is a modification to Jon Barron's website.